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11 Things

10 Feb

I was tagged by Candice from Forever is Composed of Nows for the blog-tagging extravaganza of the year. So here goes:


1. Post these rules.

2. You must post 11 random things about yourself.

3. Answer the questions set for you in their post.

4. Create 11 new questions for the people you tag to answer.

5. Go to their blog and tell them you’ve tagged them.

6. No stuff in the tagging section about you are tagged if you are reading this. You legitimately have to tag 11 people.

11 random things about myself:

  1. I ice skated for two years and got to skip the “Snowplow” levels because I had awesome skills good balance.
  2. I am horrible at remembering what year or age things happened in my life. The ice skating? Maybe 5th and 6th grade?
  3. I once ate an entire Chipotle burrito and a banana split from DQ in one sitting.
  4. My favorite thing to get at DQ is a Blue Raspberry Mister Misty Float.
  5. I ended up with a bloody foot on my first date with my now-husband (from a rogue flipflop).
  6. I laugh every time they say “Rogue Robots” on Wall-E.
  7. My favorite movie genre is animated.
  8. I refuse to join Pinterest, Daily Mile and Twitter. It’s the principle of the matter.
  9. I refused to join Facebook for 5 years and then caved in 2009. ;(
  10. I still secretly want the outfit matcher Alicia Silverstone had in Clueless.
11. I hated sushi the first several times I ate it, but now I love it.

11 Questions from Forever is Composed of Nows:

1. What is your biggest and/or hardest goal for 2012? Finishing my book? Running a marathon? Getting pregnant? Time will tell…

2. Vegetarian or Meat-eater? Meat-eater but I don’t really like meat and could give it up in a heartbeat. But my hubby’s a hunter and we have a freezer full of meat.

3. Would you rather write something down with pen/paper or on a computer/cell phone, etc? Depends on what I’m writing. I journal and make to-do lists on actual paper, but when I’m actually writing thoughts and need to edit/revise/delete, I will always choose a computer. I hate typing on my phone.

4. Dog or cat person? Dog but I love animals.

5. What is your favorite season and why? Fall – nothing beats a brisk fall day with leaves changing color.

6. If you could live anywhere other than the place you currently live, where would you live?  Minnesota.

7. Do you prefer Facebook over Twitter or vis versa? I don’t have Twitter and only go on Facebook once a week, maybe. So neither?

8. What is the longest run/race/workout you have ever done? 14 mile run, 30 mile bike run (not on the same day)

9. If you could only read one book over and over, which one would it be? The Bible

10. What is the biggest risk you have ever taken? Moving to Denver without a job

11. What motivated you to start blogging? Wanting to get better at writing.

I tag the following: Winners Wear Yellow, Chic Runner, Diary of a Slow Runner, The Runner’s Plate, She Collects, B. in the Know, Butler: Party of 2, True Things, Cow Spots and Tales, Enjoying the Journey, run.around.aroo

My 11 questions:

  1. What do you think is the most annoying blog trend?
  2. What is one thing you wish you liked, but just don’t?
  3. How long were you friends with your best childhood friend?
  4. How many blogs do you read on a consistent basis?
  5. What’s your favorite fro-yo topping?
  6. Did you go to college? If so, where and why that school?
  7. What’s your all-time favorite TV show?
  8. Did you have an invisible friend growing up?
  9. Is there any social media that you refuse to adopt?
  10. What is one thing you see other people doing that makes you say, “You couldn’t pay me enough”?
  11. What is the first thing you do when you get up in the morning?

Remember to tag 11 more people to keep the blog chain going!

How to NOT Prepare for a Race.

10 Feb


Run only 2 miles the week before.

Let your sore throat prevent you from drinking water.

Have a busy work week plus plans after work that keep you out at least an hour and a half past your bedtime each night.

Ditch your Thursday run for 2 glasses of chardonnay at happy hour and pass out in a chair (at home) before 8 pm.

Eat sweets like they haven’t touched your lips for a month.

Eat food like it’s going out of style.

Stay out late at a hockey game the night before the race.

Plan the race for a morning of cold and snow:

Do (Attempt to) Redeem Your Race:

Fit in an easy 2-3 mile run on Friday and Saturday so that your body doesn’t curse you for springing 13.1 miles on it out of nowhere.

Be a man runner and dress for the weather instead of whining about it. That’s why you bought a $110 Speedy Bullet (blindingly bright) jacket. Wear your UnderArmour tights UnderNeath another pair of running pants. Don some wool socks and winter gloves. Possibly buy a winter running hat instead of your chintzy ear warmer.

Drive only 15 minutes from your house to the start line.

Download a GPS-tracking app so your friend can come out and cheer you on as you run past her house.

Ditch the Camelbak that annoyed you on your last 10 mile run. Stash Shotbloks in your jacket and drink water at the aid stations. Bring a piece of bread with peanut butter too, since you know you love it it helps you not feel sick after mile 8.

Have fun. It’s only running, for pete’s sake.

Would you wear an ear warmer or a full hat for this race?

How have you redeemed a week of poor race preparation?