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Training Recap: 3/26 – 4/1

2 Apr

We’re back from Evansville! The weather was absolutely gorgeous while we were there – sunny and 80s. We spent a lot of time outside on the patio enjoying the sun. But we arrived home to 40 degrees and clouds. It should warm up later this week but it made today feel like a good day to take a nap. (Sadly, I didn’t get to.)

I did get to complete all of my runs this week though. Since we were going to be gone, and I wanted to spend as much time with family as possible, I piled all but my long run into the beginning of the week.

Monday: 5.15 mile run (56:23; 10:57/mile) + physical therapy exercises/strength

Tuesday: 3.15 mile fartlek run (31:52; 10:06/mile)

Wednesday: 3.04 mile run (33:37; 11:03/mile) + Self workout

Thursday: Rest (travel to IN)

Friday: Rest

Saturday: 6.5 mile run in Evansville (1:09:36; 10:41/mile)

Sunday: Rest; 1 hour of yard work

Total Running Miles: 17.85


Saturday morning, we woke to 55 degrees (instead of the 65 it had been in the mornings) and overcast skies. It felt muggy, yet cool – almost perfect running weather. (It would’ve been perfect with less humidity.) Jeremy and Jen told us about a bike trail near the river, so Travis, my mom and I drove down there around 9:30. My mom walked my brother’s two dachshunds while Travis and I ran.

This WWII memorial was down by the riverfront. We had to stop and look at all the state seals.

And take a picture by the Minnesota seal.

I was looking forward to running at the low elevation (360 feet above sea level!) but just like in Minnesota, I’m pretty sure the humidity canceled out most of the benefit. But I think this run was also a little challenging because I thought “Oh 7 miles, that’ll be over quick.” But then it wasn’t over quick and the run felt extra long because I had expected it to be short. (This is exactly why I hate 5Ks.)

The step back week was convenient for our trip but I’m looking forward to a 12 miler this coming Saturday!

I’ll try to post about our trip tomorrow night. Now it’s time for bed.