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Corbin Travis: 4 Years

12 Aug

Despite the fact that I am posting this almost 6 months late, I really did write it only a week after Corbin turned 4 back on March 22. Since he has changed so much in the past 6 months, I am leaving this as his 4-year update, and will write a different post about how he’s changed since then… which will probably end up being his 5-year update (if I’m lucky).

On Corbin’s birthday, it snowed wet, heavy snow all day so we mostly stayed inside. We had banana bread and strawberries for breakfast, went to the dollar store for balloons and gifts from Emma and Annabelle, made Corbin’s birthday cake (he helped), opened presents with Daddy at lunch, painted a wooden race car he got, took a nap, made snow castles with a sand bucket outside, took a mega bubble bath, and ate cake after dinner.


Corbin was 38 lbs (69%) and 3’ 4” (43%) at his well-child checkup. He is wearing a mixture of 4T, 5T, and XS (4-5) clothing, but still has some 3T pants that fit (he still has short legs!). He wears size 10 shoes.


Corbin is a champion sleeper these days. It is extremely rare for him to wake up in the middle of the night. But he is still an early riser (usually up by 6/6:30 AM), and we have to be extra careful to not make noise in the morning if we’re up early — if he hears anything, he gets up.

He still takes a nap most days because he is stuck in (what I call) the purgatory between needing a nap and not needing one. He can skip his nap without needing to go to bed at 4 PM, so sometimes he does (when it just works so much better for our family to not deal with his nap), but it almost always ends with him being a basketcase by dinner time. And with the other three kids to deal with, we don’t really ever end up putting Corbin to bed earlier than normal, even when he does skip his nap. So for now, he still takes a nap pretty much every day. They usually last 1.5-2 hours.

Because he still naps, he goes to bed after the girls. For a few months (December and January), all three of the older kids were sleeping in the same room upstairs (Corbin and Annabelle in the bunk bed, and Emma on the floor). But because Corbin wasn’t really tired by the time the girls needed to go to bed (sometimes he’d nap until 4, so no wonder he wasn’t tired by 7:30!), he would flip and flop in bed for a looooong time, meaning Travis would sometimes sit in there waiting for him to fall asleep for over an hour (if Travis left before Corbin fell asleep, Corbin would follow him out). Now the girls are back downstairs together, so we can let Corbin stay up a little later (until 8/8:15), and then leave his room faster when he finally does go to bed. I am also trying to be intentional about getting him down for a nap between noon and 1, instead of between 1 and 2, and waking him up no later than 3:30.

He hasn’t asked for milk at naps and bedtime for a long time now (probably since age 3.5?), but his love for “cakey” (his blankets) and sucking his thumb is still going strong. We have misplaced cakeys at times and then bought more, so now he has about 6 cakeys, and he often wants to have more than one with him at any given time. And with the thumb sucking, the dentist told us that age 5 is about when we should start intervening if he hasn’t stopped on his own by then, because it is causing him to have an overbite. 😬


Corbin is still the. pickiest. eater. ever. For breakfast, he has long requested applesauce and jelly toast. (The first words out of his mouth in the morning would be, “Mommy, I’m huuuuungrrrryy. I need applesauce and toast.”) Travis didn’t like him eating so much sugar right away in the morning though, so recently we switched to applesauce and strawberries, or if we’re out of strawberries (which we often are because we go through a whole 2 lb. container of strawberries in a single day sometimes), he’ll have applesauce and yogurt, or applesauce and Cheezits (which he calls Chipits).

So obviously, Corbin loves applesauce and strawberries. He also enjoys cheese pizza, protein shakes, carrots or broccoli and dip, summer sausage or venison breakfast sausage, cheese, most fruits (clementines/mandarin oranges, apples {he likes to eat them whole, but then wastes about 75% of them}, blueberries, blackberries, pineapple, peaches), yogurt, macaroni & cheese, grilled cheese, chicken nuggets, PB&J, quesadillas, pancakes/waffles (with lots of syrup of course!), quick breads like pumpkin or banana, popcorn, and bacon.

Other food he loves, but we limit how much he can have, are any type of fruit snacks, chips, veggie straws, crackers, popsicles, candy, hot chocolate with marshmallows, toast, cereal, and McDonald’s.

So pretty much anything that is a lot of grains or sugar, he’s all about, and anything healthy is out. He refuses to eat bananas, avocado, tomatoes, rice, most noodles besides macaroni and cheese, potatoes, chicken, and anything we make for dinner.

My goal at this point is just to get Corbin to eat anything that has even a semblance of nutritional value, and to not over-eat any one food (because he would eat only strawberries all day long if we let him).

We have half-heartedly tried to get him to eat without watching a screen, but he just won’t sit at the table then. We have made a rule at dinnertime, though, that there is no iPad. So what ends up happening is that Corbin plays in the living room (pretty much the only time of day that he plays great on his own!) while the rest of us eat dinner, and then I focus on getting Corbin to eat something (whether the food we prepared or just a yogurt) after we’re done. It’s all we have the energy for right now!


Since my last update on Corbin at 3 years, his vocabulary has continued to grow, and he says some pretty funny things these days. A few:

“What?! Serious?”

“Hey, what’s the big idea?”

“My name is Budkiss.” Or he lines up his trucks — “This is Mommy, this is Daddy, Emma, Ducky, Baby Sister, and Budkiss.” (He does also say that his name is Corbin.)

“Mom, I need to talk with you.”

“I’m a big boy! I have big muscles!”

“Let’s do it!” Still with the fist pump.

“It’s not faaaaaiiiiiir!!!” (He said this 25 times a day for a few months, while throwing a tantrum. 😩)

“Mommy, play with me?” or “I want to play with guys!” (He calls Emma & Annabelle together “guys”.)

“Daddy, I love you.” Or “I missed you Daddy.”

There are many more. Corbin is a very talkative, outgoing boy, and often rambles on so quickly and enthusiastically that no one (including Travis and me!) can understand him. At times, the girls are able to interpret what he’s saying for us (since they often were playing with him or saw what he is talking about). He was evaluated for a speech delay, but didn’t score low enough to qualify, so a lot of it is just that he talks so fast! The sound he has the most trouble with (and is the most obvious) is that his f’s are s’s. “Firetruck” is “Siretruck.”

Corbin is still very dramatic and overreacts often. When throwing a tantrum these days, he still slams doors but more often than not, he tips over piles or furniture, dumps out bins, pulls down jackets, rips up paper, etc. He also takes his frustration out on Neola sometimes (though most of the time, his rough play with her is just the way he tries to play with her). When he does get mad and take it out on her, he justifies it by saying, “Baby is being naughty!” Just a couple of days ago, he pushed Neola when she was crawling on the wood floor and she got her first fat, bloody lip. 😢

He can be a total sweetheart though, and lately has started voluntarily saying, “Daddy, I love you” and asking for a hug and kiss. He likes to give hugs and kisses to everyone, and last spring, right before Neola was born, we were up at my in-laws’ house. As we were saying goodbye, Corbin wanted a hug and kiss from everyone. When he got to his cousin who is in his early 20s, Drew felt it was awkward to kiss Corbin on the lips, so he offered his cheek. They were at a stand-off for a good 5 minutes because Corbin was adamant that it had to be the lips! It was hilarious. Finally, Corbin conceded and kissed Drew’s cheek.

He has also taken a much greater interest in Neola over the past couple of months, I think because she is much more interactive now, and because she’s an easy target (she can’t escape or fight back yet!). He is fairly rough with her, but she takes it like a champ. He likes to bring his giant gray blanket out from his bed, and nest on the ground with it, usually draping part of it around or over Baby.

He also enjoys playing with Emma and Annabelle, when they will let him. He got a Captain America action figure for Christmas, so that he has something to play with when they’re playing Barbies. (He often just plays with their Barbies too though.)

As far as “academics” go, Corbin is starting to recognize letters and numbers, he can say the alphabet and count from 1-20 (for the most part). He has incredible fine motor and gross motor skills. I am often impressed by how he can climb things at a playground, or kick balls, or jump over/up on things, and he just learned how to use my laptop, moving the cursor around using the touchpad and clicking on things (I honestly thought it was going to be too hard for him because the girls struggled when they were older than him, but he picked it up immediately!). He has also shown an interest in playing the piano using the Simply Piano app.

He enjoys painting and using daubers (for about 5-10 minutes), and has dabbled in cutting and glueing, but he does not have the patience for coloring. And he almost always destroys his art creations after making them, sometimes because he’s mad, sometimes because he just wants to tear it apart (which often I am ok with, because we can’t keep everything anyway!).

Other things Corbin enjoys:

* Swimming — Give him warm(ish) water (70+ degrees) and this boy is a fish! He has no qualms about jumping in (so we have to make sure he is always wearing his life jacket!). He is much more adventurous in the water than either of his sisters were at this age — he loved jumping off the diving board down in Florida. Just recently, he showed us that he can almost swim the doggy paddle without a life jacket! But if the water is cold, he doesn’t last long!

* Sledding — Corbin loves sledding. Travis pulled him and the girls around our yard in sleds behind the snowmobile, and our neighbors also had an epic sledding hill this year (from blowing all the snow from their driveway into a pile). Again, he is quite fearless when it comes to sledding. But we did have some mitten drama early in the winter — he’d get mad about something and take his mittens off, and then his hands would freeze. Then he would have bad associations with going outside, so it was a battle to get him to go. Thankfully, being in Florida for a month turned that around, and he has mostly been eager to go outside since. (I am more careful to replace his mittens quickly too, though he doesn’t take them off nearly as much as he used to. He is able to get his thumbs in the thumbholes this year too, which definitely helps!)

* Screen time — This is still a major challenge with Corbin (as I mentioned when writing about his eating habits). He loves playing with people, but I often have other things I need to do, and Emma & Annabelle often exclude Corbin (or are playing something he’s not interested in), and sometimes he wants someone to play what he wants to play and the girls aren’t willing. And when he can’t get anyone to play with him, he wants to watch “peach and the hamburger” (which is what he calls YouTube Kids, and he means videos of hamster mazes… he starts there but ends up watching other things). If I’m willing to play with him, I can often distract him away from the screen, but sometimes he’s in one of his zoning-out, recharging phases, and he refuses to do anything else.

* Biking — Last summer, Corbin got very proficient at riding his balance bike. We briefly tried him on a small pedal bike but he couldn’t figure it out (though he does know how to pedal a trike). Hopefully this summer, we can combine the balance and pedaling, and go on some family bike rides!

* Playgrounds — In Florida, I finally came to the realization/acceptance that Corbin is a playground child, and not a hiking one. He flourishes on playgrounds. They’re his happy place. He gets sick of hiking about 50 feet in, and then just wants to play in the dirt. When we were at the Kennedy Space Center, Corbin was in heaven in the Planet Play area. We spent several hours there. He also loved a children’s museum we went to just recently that was an hour away. Wish we had something like that in Brainerd!

* Nesting — Corbin pulls the king size blanket off his twin bed every single day, bringing it out into the living room or kitchen to nest in. He doesn’t nest so much with laundry these days (though still does on occasion) but the blanket… it is always in the way! When we were in Florida, he did the same thing, but his twin blanket wasn’t big enough for his liking, so he would take the king size blanket off my bed and schlep it all the way downstairs every day. I’ll probably look back at this habit and think, “How adorable was that?!” But it gets kind of old right now!

* Trucks/Hotwheels — Corbin still loves all manner of trucks, cars, Hotwheels. This year, he developed an affinity for Hotwheels tracks, and got one for Christmas. He still likes the Twister Trax too (unfortunately the battery-powered cars just don’t last very long in this house of dog hair and girl hair), and we spent a few weeks setting up elaborate courses with both of those sets, complete with ramps, loop-dee-loops, and obstacles. He hasn’t played with his big trucks as much over the past 4-5 months, but still does occasionally. He just has so many now! 😬

Giving his trucks a check-up

* Dirt — this boy loves getting dirty!

* Halloween — Corbin was obsessed with pumpkins last fall. He carried a mini pumpkin around with him for almost the whole month of October — to church, to the store, to bed. He also really loved skeletons, and on Halloween night, was more interested in the decorations than the candy.

A first this year, Corbin performed in a gymnastics show, and in the Christmas choir at church. Since he had never done anything like that before, I wasn’t sure how he would react to being “in the spotlight” but he did so well! The only issue we had was that Nana & Papa Kluthe came to the second service at church, and then Corbin just wanted to be with them, instead of being up on stage. But he did really well the first service, and was one of the few kids actually doing the actions! He knew everything to do for the gymnastics show too, even though he struggles with being a great listener in class.

Potty training this boy has been slow going. He has been able to go #1 on the toilet for several months, but there has been almost no progress on #2. I say almost none, because for the longest time, he would poop and not say anything, and if he was playing downstairs or I was holding baby for a nap, I wouldn’t notice it for 20-30 minutes (or sometimes longer 😬). But now he usually does come and tell me, because he doesn’t like the feeling of it. So that’s progress. (He did also poop a couple of times on the potty recently, so I know he *can* do it. Now it’s just a battle of the wills.)

The other challenge of getting him to poop on the potty is that his poop habits are completely random. Our girls had a time of day when they usually pooped, so we could kind of anticipate it. But with Corbin, I have no idea when he’s going to poop. So I’ve been reluctant to just put him in underwear, because I know I’ll end up cleaning poop out of underwear a lot. (And I already have a few times.) I also tried the naked-from-the-waist-down thing for a few days, and had to clean a turd off one of our kitchen chairs. 🤦‍♀️

Another one of Corbin’s quirks this past year after we celebrated his 3rd birthday was that whenever we celebrated someone else’s birthday, we had to light candles and sing to Corbin too (or he would freak out and throw a fit). For a long while after he turned three, he was convinced that it was his birthday whenever there was cake and candles. He is actually still kind of like that now, a year later, but now I think he understands it’s not his birthday; he just likes blowing candles out. (The picture below is Corbin on Emma’s birthday.)

Corbin got a couple of injuries this year. The worst was when he was climbing the bleachers during the girls’ gymnastics camp, slipped, and caught himself with his eye socket.

I also found this picture of him with a big lip, but I can’t remember how he got it!

He chipped his right front tooth by falling on the wood floor back when he was probably about two, and then just recently he took a digger again. It’s amazing that he still has his front teeth!

Some more photos of Corbin just for fun:

And that’s Corbin at 4 years!

Corbin Travis: 3 Years

27 Apr

Corbin turned 3 on March 22. Nana Beth and Papa Al came down after Corbin’s nap for dinner, and cake and ice cream. Corbin got a marble run, battery-run race track cars, and a Melissa & Doug Dress-Up Figure from us. They are going to build Corbin a sandbox, and got him a sit-on digger to put in it.


Corbin just had his well-child check and is now 34 lbs (80%) and 3 ft 2 inches tall (58%). He is wearing a combination of 3T and 4T clothes. He still has shorter legs, so he almost exclusively wears jogger sweats with tighter ankles so we don’t have to worry about them covering his feet. But he’s outgrowing his 3T footie sleepers already, so he’s not that short! He’s right in the middle between how tall Emma and Annabelle were at this age.

He’s still wearing size 6 diapers (no, not potty trained yet), and size 8 shoes.


Corbin is still a really great sleeper overall. He almost always sleeps through the night, going down between 7:30 and 8:30, and waking up around 6. He still takes a solid 2-3 hour nap (and he needs it!!), usually going down between noon and 1.

Right after Thanksgiving 2020, Corbin decided he was done with the crib and started climbing out of it. A day of that, and we moved him to a toddler bed. He still sleeps just as well (the transition really was not bad at all), but now either Travis or I have to stay in his room until he falls asleep (usually 15-20 minutes). I was planning to work with him on breaking that habit before baby comes, but I always take a nap with him in the afternoon, so that hasn’t happened.

Whenever Corbin gets bored or feels tired, he grabs his cakey (blanket) and asks for “Baby Truck, night night.” (Baby Truck is what he calls watching iPad or Phone, though if asking for that doesn’t work, he does use the other terms too.) He also asks to “Sit chair” when he wants to watch a screen.

Corbin went through a period of time last spring (2020) where he’d get tired and fall asleep mid-morning lying on the floor in the living room, sucking his thumb and holding his cakey.


Corbin has gotten *slightly* better at his eating habits, but he is still very unpredictable. We have started being more intentional with making him try foods, and at least eat something healthy before getting dessert (his sweet tooth is going strong!). Often the only way to get him to take a bite of something healthy and newer to him is to get out a piece of candy, and show him a piece that he will get if he takes a bite of the other food. My goal most days is just to get him to eat real food, even if it’s not the most nutritious (like crackers or toast). That also often means that he eats while watching a screen, because that gets him to sit down long enough to eat. I figure, he’s a boy. One day he will want to eat and not need bribing!

There are some foods that Corbin consistently likes: carrots and dip, jelly toast, cheese, milk, strawberries, pizza, french fries, and pancakes. Other foods that he eats with some regularity but isn’t completely predictable with are: fig bars, other fruits, yogurt, crackers, dried fruit, raw broccoli with dip, cereal, chocolate protein shakes, applesauce, turkey lunchmeat, hot dogs, breakfast sausage or bacon, and chicken nuggets. And as I mentioned, he still has quite the sweet tooth, and LOVES popsicles (or “cones” as he calls them). We also learned the hard way last summer that if we went to DQ, we had to buy him his own ice cream cone, and just let the mess happen. We tried sharing a cone, putting the ice cream top in a cup, etc. and he freaked out every time. Even still, he will get mad if you take a bite of his food, to the point of refusing to eat the rest.

The biggest news here, though, is that Corbin no longer drinks bottles. I honestly can’t completely remember, but I think it was sometime late last fall that we finally got Corbin to transition. Travis had been really pushing for him to be done with the bottles, but I just wasn’t ready for the fight. Well, eventually the bottle nipples we were using had so many holes and tears in them that they were pretty much like drinking from a sippy cup! I showed the nipples to Corbin and explained how they were broken and going in the garbage. And then I threw them away. Good thing too because there were a few rough days where Corbin asked for a ba-ba no less than 50 times, and I probably would’ve pulled them back out if I could have. But it only lasted a few days, and then he was over it. He still asks for milk at naptime and bedtime, but it’s hit or miss on whether or not he actually drinks it.


Considering that I haven’t posted on Corbin since he turned 2 years old, a lot has changed in development! Even just in the past couple of months, Corbin’s vocabulary has exploded. I am constantly surprised by the words he knows, and more and more by how well he can say certain words. He’s also started putting several words together into short sentences. He’s still a little hard to understand sometimes, but he’s definitely making progress! A few things he says that I think are adorable are:

“I can’t reach!” or “I can’t see!”

“Bud’s room!”

“Where’s guys?” (what he calls Emma & Annabelle together)

“Go outside. Kick ball!”

“Let’s do it!” or “Let’s build!” complete with enthusiastic fist pump

“Mommy, help me!” or “Help you mommy!”

“It’s scary.” (whispering, while pretending something is scary)

“Baby truck, night night.” or “Milk, mommy PLEASE. Please mommy? Please?” when he wants milk and iPad.

“Mommy, play blocks/trucks/cars/marbles.”

“Guys, school!” or “Play Barbies!” when he wants the girls to go do something else and leave him alone with the iPad.

Corbin calls Emma by her name (it sometimes sounds like Memma though), but Annabelle is Gucky (Ducky), I’m Mommy, and Travis is Da-duh. Corbin knows all the colors, knows some shapes, and is interested in letters but can’t really name any yet (but is willing to repeat them). He can also count to 10.

Corbin learned last summer how to swing on a big-boy swing, and this spring, he has already figured out how to pedal a trike. He’s also learning how to cruise on a balance bike.

Corbin is always trying to keep up with sisters, and if he sees them doing something, he wants to join in or try it too. “Bud try it!” (In the picture above of him swinging, he has a ball under his shirt pretending to be pregnant, because that’s what sisters were doing.)

At the beginning of the COVID pandemic, Corbin went through some intense phases of wanting to do the same thing all day every day. It’d last for a week or two, then he’d move on to something else. Right around the time he turned 2 (end of March), he was really into reading books. Then it was doing puzzles, and we did almost every puzzle we owned every day, multiple times. We even had to get out the 200-300 piece puzzles, because he was insatiable. I would find the piece for him, show him where it went, and he would place it.

The next thing he was into was this marble run I bought (all the way from China, turns out) that fits with Duplo blocks. We played that every day, and I actually kind of got into building some elaborate marble runs with tunnels and fun drops.

He also got into painting for a while (especially when we painted rocks for a service project at church, he asked to do that for several weeks afterward!), and then baking (“make cakes!”).

Corbin can be kind of a drama queen at times. He definitely has a stubborn streak, and has thrown several amazing tantrums over not getting his way. One was when he wanted to buy a garbage truck from Fleet Farm. One was when I took the kids to Itasca State Park with my in-laws — he wanted to take off his clothes and play in the water, and we told him no. He has gotten better about not throwing things when he’s mad — he’ll usually just run to his room and slam the door. But if he’s REALLY mad, he is a force to be reckoned with.

Corbin loves trucks. For a while, “diggy” (excavator) was his favorite, then it was cement mixer, and most lately, it’s been crane. He has a t-shirt that has a crane on it, and he will frequently ask to wear that shirt. He will also carry trucks around with him like a baby, and just in the past couple of months, he has started doing imaginative play with his trucks, using one to ask another if he wants to “go buy treat?” or one will yell “Help me!” and another truck will come to his rescue. It’s one of the cutest things ever. Corbin will also ask to play Barbies with his sisters, and sometimes he’ll just grab one of his trucks and use that as his Barbie instead of fighting them for a doll.

We spent the month of February in Florida this year, and Corbin LOVED the beach. He also was so comfortable in the water at the pool with his life jacket on that he would just motor around on his own (he had gained a comfort level even last summer, but now he doesn’t even try to stay by us). We had a couple of close calls when he was refusing to wear his life jacket, so now we know that he is not scared of the water and must always be wearing one.

Our trip to Florida also meant that Corbin flew on an airplane for the first time. The trip down to Florida with him was absolutely terrible. He had woken up at 4 AM that day so he was majorly overtired, and instead of waiting where we were supposed to, he just wanted to ride all the escalators. During the flight, he did well for the first 30 minutes or so, but then he had burned through all the activities I had brought (even iPad!), and just wanted to get out of his seat and walk around. He ended up falling asleep on the floor right before we landed, so obviously didn’t sleep long, then we had to go get our rental car and drive 6 hours to PCB from Atlanta. Whew! We barely survived. Thankfully, the trip back to Minnesota went much better.

Corbin still loves nesting with pillows, blankets, and laundry. He also loves playing with balloons and balls at the bottom of our stairs (there’s a door down there we can shut). For some reason, he always wants his clothes off to do that!

A couple other firsts this past year for Corbin were going ice fishing (he carried one of the fish we caught around like a baby) and going on carnival rides down in PCB.

And here are some pictures that I just find so darn cute:

And that’s Corbin at 3 years old!

Corbin Travis: 2 Years

20 Apr

Corbin turned 2 years old on March 22, in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic and quarantine. On his birthday, we went hiking with some friends at a nearby “open space” (as Colorado calls them), had brownies and ice cream at home (but Corbin didn’t eat a single bite!), and took Corbin on a car ride, one of his favorites right now.img_6329img_6340Size

Corbin hasn’t had his 2-year checkup yet because of COVID-19, so these aren’t official. But according to our wall ruler, he is roughly 2′ 10″ tall (just slightly taller than his sisters were at this age and in the 30th percentile for boys). And according to our bathroom scale, he weighs about 30 lbs (80%). He is still wearing size 5 diapers, though I plan to buy size 6 whenever I run out of my current stash because they’re getting a little tight. And he is wearing 5/6 shoes.img_6568Sleeping

Corbin has gotten into a pretty good napping and sleeping routine. His typical day looks like this:

7 AM – Wake up

1 PM – Down for nap

4 PM – Up from nap

7:30 PM – Down for night

Corbin almost always takes a solid 2-3 hour nap in the afternoon, which is great (now that I’m home with the kids in quarantine, that’s when I do some work for my job). And he now goes to sleep at the same time as the girls, which makes doing stuff in the evenings possible–except that now we don’t go anywhere because of the quarantine. Regardless, it is nice to get family time after Travis gets off work.

Corbin still has a hard time falling asleep in the car, and will only do so if he is absolutely exhausted.


Corbin still LOVES his baba (bottle). He gets a 4 oz bottle right when he wakes up in the morning, usually one mid-morning, one before his nap, one when he wakes up from his nap, and one before bed (and if he’s crabby around dinnertime, he gets one then too). He refuses to drink milk out of a sippy, and he is very comforted by his bottles. For the past couple of weeks though, when he asks for a ba-ba, he has been fairly receptive to eating something he likes instead, so we’re going to continue that. We might try water in his bottle too.

I feel like I can’t even give a list of foods that Corbin likes because it changes on a daily basis but for the last few weeks, he has liked: pancakes with maple syrup, toast, scrambled eggs, hot dogs, cheese, clementines, grapes, almond flour crackers, cheese pizza, applesauce, yogurt, fig bars, blackberries, strawberries, and banana. But often even when it seems like he likes something, he takes 2-3 bites, and then refuses the rest. Part of the problem is that he just can’t sit still long enough to eat. We’ve tried the highchair but he ends up screaming. I’ve also tried following him around and offering him bites. That sometimes works. But the thing that actually works the best is to get out his dessert (3-4 Skittles or something similar) and offer him a Skittle if he will take 1-2 bites of his dinner. It’s nice that he’s old enough to understand that now!img_6573If Corbin gets upset about anything though, he is more than willing to part with his food or eating utensil in the form of throwing it across the room, or smooshing it.img_65528f3a766a-349c-4272-bd66-a02e218e0ee2Development

Corbin LOVES books and at least once every day, motions that I sit in the chair in our living room to read him books. He is learning new words every day. His most-often used words are birdie, cookie, hone (phone), go, side (for either inside or outside), cocks (crocs), boots, Kayhee (Katy), Chowlee (Charlie), bath, and bah (iPad–not sure why?!?). When we are talking to family on Zoom or FaceTime, he will say hi or bye if we prompt him to. 675aa43d-f311-4e0c-a3ff-84ce9c8690c6He spent a lot of time this winter riding the snowmobile with either me or Travis while we pulled the girls in sleds, and LOVED it! I unfortunately do not have a picture of that.

Other things Corbin likes:

  • Playdough and coloringimg_6352img_6317
  • Sticks and puddlesimg_6456
  • Walking through the woods (there was a period of time when it had warmed up and then gotten cold again, so the top layer of snow was super crusty and hard, making it very easy to walk on, and we walked through our woods on game trails daily).c7edc741-4482-41a9-a74a-e7acecbaba96
  • The dock, specifically throwing sticks into the water off the dockimg_6389
  • Climbing and slidingimg_6649b74acc63-a996-4569-83fd-2b6bc57376b7
  • His familyimg_6161img_6326img_5946
  • Staring off into space with his baba and cakey img_6652img_6656img_6178
  • Playing with laundry and piles of blankets/pillows/clothesimg_6265
  • Making a mess (he really can’t be trusted with anything)img_6298ba66ca19-6625-4816-9861-40ce6b8eb9ca

Corbin is adventurous and fun! He can be a little stinker (he is often caught playing in the toilet, especially now that he figured out how to open the lids) and usually overreacts when we tell him no (it’s actually quite hilarious and adorable when he clenches his fists and growls…until he starts throwing things, then you need to watch out). He’s curious about everything, and has several enigmatic behaviors that keep us on our toes (like wanting to take a bath only to get out a minute later). But we love our little Corb man!

Corbin Travis: 22 Months

22 Jan

I had great intentions of posting about Corbin at 21 months (I was trying to do every 3 months until age 2) but he was 21 months 2 days before Christmas, so that didn’t happen. Corbin is 22 months as of January 22 (does that count as his silver birthday??)IMG_5873IMG_5079Size

Corbin goes back to the doctor at his 2-year checkup, so stay tuned until then. But I can say that he is still wearing mostly 2T clothes, though some 18-month pants. He wears size 5 shoes and size 5 diapers.


In terms of going to sleep, Corbin is the easiest kid in the world. Give him his “cakey” (blankie) and “baba” (bottle), and he will go right to sleep. How long he sleeps, though, is highly variable.

In general, Corbin goes to bed between 5 and 6 PM, and wakes up between 5 and 6 AM. But sometimes he decides that 3:30 AM is his time to wake up, even though he wakes up super grouchy and is ready to go back to sleep after an hour or 2. That’s what he has been doing this week. Uffda. Luckily, he’s done this before and I know it’s just a phase.

The other slightly odd thing about Corbin’s sleep habits is that he pretty much dropped his afternoon nap, and kept his morning nap (the opposite of most kids). He is almost always ready for a nap 3 hours after he wakes up in the morning–which means a lot of days, he’s taking his nap by 9 or 10 AM. He naps for a good 3 hours usually, putting him awake when most kids would be going down for their naps. Luckily, Corbin is pretty easygoing, and we can push him past his naptime if he’s having fun/being active (but put him in a shopping cart when he’s tired, and the world is ending!).IMG_4897IMG_4936-lowIMG_5253IMG_5624Eating

Man, Corbin is a picky eater. If it was just that there were only certain foods that he would eat, I could deal. But his food preferences change at every meal. It is a gamble every single time I give him food, because I honestly do not know if he will eat any of it. I realized a couple of weeks ago that I had stopped presenting him with food (but was instead just letting him indicate to me when he was hungry and what he wanted), which I realized probably wasn’t the best thing. But honestly, I am so. over. guessing what he wants to eat, giving him several options, all of which either go uneaten, or more likely, get thrown on the table, floor, and/or walls. Because Corbin gets mad about random things, and when he gets mad, stuff goes flying. I tell ya, it’s a good thing he’s so darn cute.

We’re taking it one day at a time. It’s so bad that when he’s actually eating something, I’m like “No one move. No one breathe. Just stay where you are because Corbin is actually eating what I gave him!!”

Since Corbin is still alive, you say, he must be eating something. Yes, he ingests calories. He is not wasting away. But I can’t speak for how healthy his choices are. His favorite food by far is milk, and he is still very much attached to his bottles. His second favorite food is fruit snacks, followed closely by candy and cookies. You would think with his sweet tooth, he’d be all about the fruit, but he isn’t!!! What kid doesn’t like fruit?!?!? His fruit consumption is hit or miss. Though he is newly fond of applesauce and goes gaga over blueberry muffins from Costco. He has also occasionally liked broccoli, shrimp, banana, yogurt, grapes, strawberries, fig bars, veggie straws, PB&J sandwiches, smoothies, and hot dogs. But again, you really can’t predict what he will eat.

Part of the problem for dinner is that if he is tired, he refuses to eat. He only wants a bottle and to go to bed. So I try to feed him a pretty substantial, as-healthy-as-he-will-tolerate snack (which is, in reality, his dinner) after we get home from school/work. Corbin’s eating habits are definitely the most challenging thing about this little dude.IMG_5246IMG_5627Development

Corbin’s vocabulary has really taken off in the past couple of months, and especially just in the past couple of weeks. He can now say Mama and Mommy, Dada, Ball, Tower, our dogs’ names Katy (“Kayhee”) and Charlie (“Chowee”), Bye, Bottle (which is sometimes still baba), wawa for water, cakey for blankie, and uh oh. But what encourages me most is that he’s more and more willing to try to say new words, whereas before he wouldn’t try. He does know the sign language signs for More, All Done, and Please, so he uses those a fair amount too.

Corbin continues to be an adventurous, daring child who loves going down the slide, climbing, and jumping off of things. He loves the snow, especially riding the snowmobile with me or Travis. We also took him sledding down a real hill for the first time, which he liked, except for the face-full of snow that he got blasted with on the way down. #notafan

6FF45B74-E11E-4CC0-9FC6-40012630B672AB828256-8436-4D87-B628-D0448954579FC6E7B447-7B5D-41B0-BAFD-DEBC33DCBD62This past fall, Corbin developed a really weird skin rash every time he went outside for a period of 3-4 weeks. It would go away once he came inside, so it was obviously an environmental but we took him to the doctor just in case.IMG_5076IMG_5071Some other things we’ve done since my last post on Corbin at 18 months:

Halloween – Corbin dressed up as Batman (Emma was Poison Ivy, Annabelle was Batgirl, I was Catwoman, and Travis was the Joker). It was extremely cold for trick-or-treating, so our costumes were much better displayed at the Pillager School Fall Festival and our Chili Cookoff the weekend after Halloween.

IMG_5093-loPumpkin Farm #1 – On fall break, we went to Farm on St. Mathias for the corn maze, and also went on a fairy walk in town. Both times, Corbin did not want to stay on the trail. ::sigh::376192B2-DE1C-4438-A039-08738BC3AF56IMG_5003-lowIMG_5009-lowPumpkin Farm #2 – Corbin’s favorite thing by far at Carter’s Red Wagon Farm was the mini golf course. He carried that club and ball around for a long time. He also played in the corn pit, which at first freaked him out, but he eventually warmed up to it (and then it was time to go).6FA9AC72-C574-4DE8-9B70-4876CA09CD07IMG_5035Beach Day in October – It warmed up to almost 70 degrees one random day in early October, so we went to the beach. The kids were loving it!IMG_4905-lowIMG_4907Puzzles and Books – Mr. Bud’s obsessions for most of November and December were puzzles and books. The puzzles: he would get one out, bring it to the kitchen table, and proceed to throw all the pieces onto the floor. The books: he would grab one and then come pinch your pant leg to pull you over to the chair. Sometimes he’d let you actually read the whole thing, sometimes not. If he really liked a book, he’d make the sign for more when you were done, to have you read it again. So cute.C4332A92-C889-4921-B0CA-A98F1DD40AF6IMG_5604-lowPhone – Mr. Bud’s most recent obsession is playing a toddler game on my phone. At first, he just wanted to watch me play the game. But now he has figured out how to play it himself, and he’s actually pretty good at it for a child who’s not even 2 yet! He also knows where I usually keep my phone in my purse, so he’ll go hunting for it if he wants to play. He also acts like a complete maniac if I get my phone out for something else. Case in point: IMG_5845IMG_5862Santa – Corbin was definitely NOT a fan of Santa.IMG_5632Snow! – We have a LOT of snow this year already so there’s been a lot of opportunities to be in it.IMG_5363-lowIMG_5366IMG_5367And finally, one other random thing that Corbin enjoys doing is dumping out clean or dirty laundry and swimming in it.IMG_5878-lowHe’s a funny little guy!

Corbin Travis: 18 Months

1 Oct

Corbin turned 18 months on September 22. This is such a fun, exhausting age!221777CF-DDCC-4D5E-954D-A15870AD64505EF0D4CF-21DE-4923-B62F-8C826297F19B19BF6AB7-9F49-40F8-ACAF-883F3DBCBE31Size

At his well-child check yesterday, Corbin weighed 26 lbs, 14.7 oz (85%) and was 2′ 8″ tall (32%). His head is now in the 99th percentile for circumference. He is still in size 5 diapers but now wears mostly 2T clothing (except for pants, his legs are still shorties!) and size 5 shoes.


Corbin is still a very good, easy sleeper overall. He has gone through periods of not sleeping as well–when we can’t figure out why, we just blame teething. 😂 During those hard stretches, we’ve tried having him sleep in our bed or having us sleep on the floor with him, but he won’t go for it–instead, he just thinks it’s time to play! The only time he’s actually slept in my bed was up at my in-laws’ cabin. So our only choice is to let him cry in his crib. 😞 Thankfully, he eventually goes back to his normal sleeping habits.

He still takes two naps a day when given the chance. The first is usually 2 hours after he wakes up in the morning, and the other 3 hours after he wakes from his first nap. But he is getting better at stretching his awake time between naps — daycare is helping (forcing) that too. He gets there at 8:30 and only has one nap opportunity from 12 to 2 (at first, he only slept 20-30 minutes, but now he has stretched that out to 90 minutes or so).

He goes to bed between 5 and 8. It really depends on his naps.

Since Corbin started going to a daycare center at the beginning of September, he has been noticeably more tired. He will often lay down on the ground sucking on his thumb, even if he woke up less than an hour ago. He has also let me rock him to sleep more, which is just heaven! I didn’t appreciate it when I had kids who wanted to be rocked a lot, but since he’s rarely allowed it, I cherish it now.54EBCD61-537F-4A54-A5CD-B1EFAC90529AEE885603-08DD-4F5D-A819-FC47296F6206Eating

Corbin is a pretty good eater. He has learned how to feed himself with a spoon, but is still working on the fork (confession: I never remember to give him a fork!!).

His favorite foods are by far crackers (graham crackers, goldfish, Belvitas), French fries, and chocolate. He has a major sweet tooth! He also loves yogurt, applesauce, grapes, clementines, and strawberries. He can now eat small pieces of raw carrots and apples, and take bites of whole crackers on his own (instead of me breaking them up).

Other foods Corbin likes: shrimp, turkey lunch meat, chicken, hot dog, cheese, popcorn, broccoli, banana, avocado, and PB&J sandwiches.

But in general, he’s a moving target. And for the past couple of weeks, he’s been having blowouts several times a day, so we’re wondering if he’s lactose intolerant like Annabelle. (He usually drinks lactose free milk but we had run out and bought some regular milk from the gas station near our house. And now he’s also drinking regular milk at daycare.) But it could just be a diarrhea virus he caught at daycare. We still haven’t figured that one out.

I can’t really remember when it happened (#thirdchild) but Corbin now has all his teeth (minus his 2-year molars). He got all 4 molars and all 4 canines at the same time! 😩A31BE5C6-E288-4CF2-89B7-90BE968BA61CF79A5AC4-B846-41F7-85FF-1B5D9EC8FB17Development

Corbin continues to keep us on our toes. In the past 3 months, he has turned into a climber. At first, he’d climb on top of the girls’ vintage school desk. He had a special shriek to alert us that he needed someone to come help him get down.

Then he figured out how to climb the stool in the bathroom and soak rolls of toilet paper in the sink. (Which we blamed on the girls at first… whoops.)

Then we put the stool out by the futon so he could climb onto that by himself. But he’d climb onto the arm of the futon, and also unzip the futon mattress and pull out the stuffing.

His most recent obsession is climbing on the kitchen chairs to get on the table. He loves playing on the table. Why is that so fun?!

Corbin is very determined, and if you thwart him, he lets you know he is not happy about that by screaming and sometimes throwing himself on the floor in a dramatic “woe is me” pity party. He also will cover his eyes with his hands and pretend that he’s crying if he’s sad about something (which is pretty much the cutest thing ever!). We like to joke that he is a drama queen.  But even if he gets upset, he usually moves on pretty quickly.CDE714BB-5D18-4A90-841C-60CFEA42E385E07659C1-ACE2-4E00-91A2-53817C16C5F9Corbin has learned to go down the slide correctly (on his bum instead of headfirst). He still refuses to go down stairs backwards (though he CAN if needed). He can get on and off the girls’ beds on his own (they’re pretty low to the ground) and loves climbing on Annabelle’s to see out the window.

In general, his common sense and judgment have gotten better but he still occasionally walks off the edge of something without thinking through the consequences. Thankfully it has happened when I’ve been there to catch him! (That may be more than coincidence… it does seem like he has less sense–or he’s more daring–when I’m around.)

Just in the past couple of weeks, Corbin has started to sound like he’s trying to say some words. He’ll hold the baby monitor to his ear and say “Ha.” He’ll throw a ball and say “Ba.” He consistently says Mama and Dada to refer to me and Travis. And a few times it sounds like he has said the girls’ names.65B4C3C0-1074-4CB9-B8FB-79DD602278A588C7DCF7-BF3D-433B-A596-C494F6315100Corbin loves anything to do with water and getting dirty, and EVERYTHING goes in the mouth. His outfit almost always has to be changed after he plays outside because he is soaking wet. He always finds the water, whether it’s a puddle on the rollercoaster, or a bucket filled with rain water. AFB4DBA9-F39B-414E-9D2D-998C41637BFEA0122600-A242-42E6-8692-4FB5A7DA322535CE0801-D61D-47FA-BBC4-FE58C4CF3F56Speaking of throwing things, Corbin LOVES balls (all kinds but especially basketballs, golf balls, and footballs) and he LOVES throwing things (not just balls). He actually has a pretty good arm! But sometimes he throws things that shouldn’t be thrown…C5045E96-78A6-48BD-BE5A-9940A5192745You would think that would mean he likes baths, but it’s really a mystery. He will act excited to take a bath, but then want to get out after two minutes. When you actually do take him out, he’ll try to run away naked, and scream when you wrap him in a towel. I don’t get it. 🤷‍♀️

He did really enjoy the beach and lake this summer, but August was actually too chilly for the beach. In July, he got a sore throat and fever from drinking too much lake water. 🤢 #momfail

Corbin still loves the dogs. He also loves playing with the dog food. It’s actually super cute, even if it does make a mess. He’ll get 5-10 pieces in the measuring cup we use and shake the cup until they all fly out. Or he’ll try to feed the dogs, though he doesn’t quite understand tipping the cup yet. So he’ll shake it into the bowl too.039597FD-3316-48BF-BA15-124A679B08FCOur girls were actually kind of scared of loud noises, but Corbin seems to like them–at least, they interest him. He likes riding the lawn tractor with Travis and just stares at Travis when he’s using the leaf blower. He also likes to play on the lawn tractor when it’s not running. 68FA3B8A-4D8B-4B13-8A96-D290BB613BD3B1BF8DF8-F236-4244-B471-8F5890B45A85For all of his energy, he actually enjoys sitting in the stroller for walks (for 15-20 minutes) and is a fairly good sport about bike rides in the bike trailer too. We don’t go on many walks or bike rides these days though. We did go on a hike with Corbin in the hiking backpack.0DD4EF9A-3A20-42BF-9FCF-3DED448683A9D7716500-C41C-4BF0-A730-608E91A6A916And that’s Corbin at 18 months!

Corbin Travis: 12 Months

29 Mar

Our Little Bud is 1 year old (as of March 22)! Read his birth story here.IMG_2990 (Large)IMG_3028 (Large)Size

At his 12-month well-child check, Corbin weighed 22 lbs 2.5 oz (63%), was 2 ft 5 inches tall (11%), and had a head circumference of 19.09 inches (97%).

He’s still wearing mostly 12-month clothes (though some 18-month shirts), and size 5 diapers.IMG_2995 (Large)Sleeping

Corbin still takes two naps a day — one from about 9 to 11, and another from about 2 to 4. Since he’s napping so long during the day, his bedtime has moved from between 5 and 6 to more like 7:30. His awake time between naps is still about 3 hours, but in the evening, it’s more like 5 hours.

Corbin is still a pretty good night sleeper. If he wakes up at all, it’s just once between 3 and 5. Unfortunately, he almost never goes right back down after waking up. He’s usually up for about 1.5 hours before he’ll go back down. So then I have the conundrum of 1) Getting up for the day at 3:30 or 2) Going back to bed at 5, only to feel like a turd when I have to get up at 7. I usually choose option 2. (It’s just a phase. It’s just a phase. It’s just a phase.)IMG_2899 (Large)IMG_3014 (Large)Eating

Corbin got his appetite back after being sick! He can still be kind of finicky with food but overall, he’s a good eater — as long as you give him food that he can feed himself. He will hardly ever let me feed him, which rules out yogurt and cereal.

His favorite foods right now are: CHEESE, grapes, clementines or mandarin oranges, blueberries, fig bars, avocado, pizza, PB&Js, teething wafers, graham crackers, and meat (chicken, chicken sausages, shrimp, turkey lunchmeat). He also really likes chocolate.

He tried broccoli this month and liked it, but he didn’t like cooked carrots. He also tried strawberries again and did fine, so I think his fussiness before was more related to still being a little sick and not the strawberries themselves.

Corbin is still drinking formula, usually right away in the morning, before his naps, and before bedtime. We tried cow’s milk about a month ago, and while he drank it fine, he was really fussy afterward (but like the strawberries, it could’ve been more sickness-related? He wasn’t himself for several weeks after getting sick.). So we’re waiting until he’s acting like himself and then we’ll try again.IMG_2973 (Large)IMG_3033 (Large)Development

Little Bud has made a lot of progress with gross motor this month! He is pulling up on everything in sight (including his crib), and just in the past few days he started cruising around the furniture, and moving from the couch to the coffee table and back.IMG_3005 (Large)He also figured out how to really crawl, so now he alternates between that and the army crawl. He’s learning how to crawl up the stairs too.

In addition to mama, dada, and nana, Bud has started saying baba.

His favorite things to do are pull books off the bookshelf and “read” them, empty the drawers and cabinets in the kitchen, be near his sisters, and be outside. It’ll be nice once the snow melts (if it ever does?!?!) so that he can crawl around outside on the grass (crawling around on pavement isn’t ideal).IMG_2925 (Large)IMG_3004 (Large)Corbin is definitely a Mama’s Boy. Often, he’ll be crying, but once he gets me, he stops. He’s also been having a hard time in the Nursery at church, but I think that’s more because it’s during his naptime. So we’re going to try keeping him home for a nap during the 9 AM service, and just take him to the 10:45 service. IMG_3065 (Large)IMG_3062 (Large)IMG_3013 (Large)IMG_2942 (Large)BFFF529D-01B9-40AE-92E1-B713DD723E25And that’s Corbin at 1 YEAR!

Corbin Travis: 11 Months

12 Mar

Corbin turned 11 months on February 22, so this post is hideously late but better than never, right? (And actually, I wrote it just a few days after he turned 11 months, but never got around to taking his 11-month photos.) Size

Corbin is getting too big for his 12-month clothes but 18-month clothes are still a little too big on him, so he’s in between sizes. He’s still wearing size 5 diapers and 9-12 month soft-soled shoes.


Corbin’s sleeping habits haven’t changed much in the past month. He usually goes to bed between 5 and 6 PM, wakes up once between 3 and 5 AM, and is up for the day between 5 and 6 AM.

He still takes 2 naps, usually 1.5-2 hours long. His awake time is still about 3 hours between naps.

When he’s not sick, Corbin falls asleep on his own. But Corbin got sick again this month, just a week before he turned 11 months. He has a runny nose, bad cough, and is whiny and wants to be held all day. His sisters were diagnosed with strep and Influenza A. (We found out later that he tested positive for both RSV and Influenza A. Poor bud!)The one nice thing about him being sick was all the baby snuggles. I got to rock him to sleep several nights, which he’s never allowed. Eating

When he’s sick, Corbin has very little desire to eat table foods. And even when he’s not sick, he often gets sick of foods and doesn’t eat things he previously gobbled up. So this past month, his favorite foods have been a moving target. But he usually likes pretty much any kind of meat, grapes, teething wafers, graham crackers, PB&J sandwiches, yogurt, avocado, baby cereal, tortellini, and cheese. He’s been eating cheese for the past couple weeks with no problems, so that’s good.

Unfortunately, he seems to get an upset stomach from strawberries. He also is not a fan of blueberries, broccoli, and banana. When he doesn’t like something or is done eating, he waves his hand in front of his face like he’s rubbing his eyes, which usually ends up making a mess with whatever you were trying to feed him.

He usually drinks 4 oz of formula when he wakes up, before both his naps, and at bedtime.

He got his eighth tooth this month, giving him 4 on the bottom.Development

Corbin has started pulling up on things, though only lower surfaces. He still hasn’t pulled himself up in his crib.He is still army crawling. He gets up on his hands and knees a lot, and tries to crawl, but ends up giving up. He can move his hands just fine; I think he’s having a hard time figuring out what to do with his legs.

He loves crawling under and over things. He crawls under our coffee table often, and on top of the rollercoaster toy we have in our basement.He enjoys standing at his activity table and at the edge of the tub watching his sisters take a bath, but he is still pretty wobbly and needs supervision in case he falls over. He hasn’t quite figured out how to get down from a standing position, but a few times he has looked down at his feet while standing and fallen onto his bottom by accident.

His favorite babbling sound is dadada. He also loves to shriek.

He loves being thrown up into the air, and he still loves going outside (can’t wait to see what he thinks about being outside when it’s actually enjoyable!).

And that’s Corbin at 11 months!

Corbin Travis: 10 Months

28 Jan

Corbin turned 10 months last Tuesday, January 22. img_2438 (large)img_2435 (large)Size

At his 9-month well-child checkup on January 7, Corbin weighed 22 lb 12 oz (89%), was 27.75 inches tall (16%), and had a head circumference of 18.9 inches (99%). I am still mystified by his height measurement, because he is already outgrowing his 12-month sleepers. His pediatrician said that we’ll get a more accurate measurement once he starts standing. He’s still wearing size 5 diapers, and 9-12 month soft-soled shoes.img_1911 (large)Sleeping

Corbin had his first ear infection this month, and that threw his schedule off for a couple of weeks. He actually still napped like normal, but he was a bear to get to bed at night. There were quite a few nights that getting him to sleep at bedtime took several hours of trying everything we could think of — bouncing, rocking, shushing, giving him a bottle, laying by him on the floor, rubbing his back in the crib, letting him cry, driving him around (which would get him to sleep, but he’d wake up the minute we tried carrying him in the house). It was brutal!

He wasn’t actually pulling on his ear much, and he didn’t have a fever, so we held off bringing him to the doctor. But after a whole week of him totally not acting like himself, I brought him in to at least rule that out (since we thought he could also be teething, and he had a bad diaper rash). And he did have an ear infection after all, poor bud. Neither of the girls have had an ear infection, so this was a first for us. ::knock on wood::

Now that he has recovered, he sleeps through the night the majority of the time. He sometimes wakes up between 12 and 4 AM, drinks a bottle, and goes right back down. He also sometimes wakes up, drinks a bottle, and is wide awake. But thankfully, he has mostly ended his habit of being awake for over an hour in the wee hours of the morning.

He usually wakes up almost exactly 12 hours after he went to bed. Sometimes he goes to bed at 5 (so he’s up at 5). Sometimes he goes to bed at 7 (so he’s up at 7). It really depends on what his naps looked like that day. On the days I work and he is home with our nanny, he takes two 2-3 hour naps and ends up going to bed later. On the days that we’re out running errands and the girls are screaming outside his bedroom door while he’s trying to sleep, he usually goes to bed earlier (because his naps are shorter, and he sometimes only gets one nap). Once again, #thirdchild.  img_2441 (large)img_2457 (large)Eating

The big news this month is that I am no longer nursing Corbin. I wasn’t producing much anymore (since I would either not want to, forget, or run out of time to pump at work), and was only nursing him on one side, so I was supplementing with formula already. And Corbin really didn’t seem to have a preference one way or the other. Since he’s my third and turning one in just a few months, and I was so. over. pumping, I just decided to be done. Freedom!

Nursing is such a special bonding time, but it is so. much. easier. to bottle feed. Now Travis can put him to bed at night (hopefully making it so Corbin allows Travis to continue putting him to bed in the future, instead of demanding mommy like the girls do), and I can focus on the girls.

Corbin’s ear infection caused a regression in his consumption of table foods. His appetite pretty much disappeared for a week and a half. Even now, he doesn’t seem to eat as much as he had been eating before he got sick. His favorite foods currently are fairly limited: any kind of meat (turkey lunchmeat, shrimp, taco meat); PB&J sandwich; mandarin oranges/clementines; pears; and peaches. Some hit or miss foods are avocado, toast, Cheerios, puffs, crackers, and grapes. He still hasn’t really tried blueberries or strawberries because they’re so darn expensive this time of year!

He’s still trying to figure out the whole sippy cup thing. And he has 7 teeth–4 on top, 3 on bottom.img_2317 (large)Development

Corbin is still army crawling, and he can be pretty stinkin’ fast when he wants to be! He also gets up on his hands and knees, and rocks back and forth, but hasn’t figured out what to do from there. He can, however, now get from the crawling position back into the sitting position.img_1803 (large)He doesn’t pull up on anything yet, though there have been a few times when it seems like he wants/tries to. I think a main problem is a lack of surfaces for him to practice on. He is getting more stable standing on his own (while holding on to something), but he curls his toes under just like Annabelle used to do. If he hasn’t progressed by 11 months, we might have the physical therapist who worked with Annabelle come out and assess Corbin. It’s free and they come to your house! #winwin

Just a week or so ago, Corbin started babbling consonant sounds — mostly dadada and nanana at this point. Goodness, he is a cutey pie!

Other things Corbin did this month was have outdoor adventures:img_1894 (large)img_1866 (large)img_1820 (large)img_1941 (large)He also played with his sisters:img_1925 (large)img_1808 (large)And he had his first Christmas!img_1802 (large)img_1801 (large)

Corbin Travis: 9 Months

24 Dec

Corbin was 9 months old on December 22. He’s getting to be such a little man!Size

Corbin doesn’t have his 9-month appointment for another couple weeks so I’ll have to come back and update this with his height and weight stats. He’s still wearing 12-18 month clothing and size 5 diapers. I don’t know what size shoe he wears because we haven’t had him wear shoes yet 🤦‍♀️. We put a pair on his Christmas list.


In the last couple of weeks, Little Bud has settled into more of a “schedule” — he now wakes up at the more reasonable hour of 7 AM, stays up 3 hours between naps, and usually takes two naps a day lasting between 1.5-2 hours. His bedtime is around 6:30/7:00 PM. He still wakes up once a night between 3 and 4 AM, and almost always goes right back to sleep after I nurse him. Sometimes he needs me to rock him, which I am more than happy to do because #babiesdontkeep.

Corbin still sucks his thumb, but only when he’s hungry or tired. Most of the time, we put him down in his crib awake and he falls asleep on his own. He loves his crib projector, which plays music and projects images onto the ceiling.

Corbin got another tooth on the top (4th on top, 6th overall), and is getting another one on bottom (3rd on bottom). Teething makes him a little crabby, and hard to get to sleep, but otherwise, he is a very easygoing, happy baby!


Corbin usually nurses right when he wakes up, before each nap, and before bed (so roughly 4 times a day). I’ve also started giving him a 4 oz bottle of formula before nursing him, since I don’t produce much milk anymore (though Corbin does still like nursing).

Corbin also eats solid foods about halfway through his awake time, so breakfast around 8:30 AM, lunch around 12 noon, and dinner around 4 PM. I say “around” because I just feed him whenever he seems hungry, and when it works for whatever else we’re doing at the time. I definitely don’t have the brain power to keep track of things like I did for either one of the girls!

I don’t know if I’ve mentioned this yet, but I’m pretty sure Corbin is lactose intolerant like Annabelle, so I’ve started buying him lactose sensitive formula and feeding him soy yogurt, and stopped feeding him cheese (which is unfortunate, because he loves cheese).

Corbin’s favorite foods are baby cereal/oatmeal, avocado, puffs, peaches, pears, mandarin oranges, and yogurt. Other new foods he tried this month were blackberries, PB&J sandwich, and fish.


Just in the past week, Corbin has started army crawling in addition to steamrolling, so he’s now into everything–and he’s fast! He also puts everything in his mouth (like most other babies) so we have to be extra vigilant about keeping small things out of his reach–challenging with two other kids who make messes, and have small toys like Barbie accessories and Shopkins. It’s nice, though, that the girls are both old enough to at least understand that he can’t have small things.

Corbin can clap his hands, hold toys in both hands, and roll onto his belly from sitting. He still can’t really support himself standing (even when we stand him up leaning against something), but he has improved from a month ago, so we just have to keep working with him on it.

Corbin still likes to squawk and squeal but hasn’t made any consonant noises like mama or dada.

His favorite toys are anything that fits in his mouth, but he’s also fascinated by wheels (our toy stroller, toy shopping cart, and Barbie car are favorites). He also likes to dump out our bin of Duplos and find the cars.Corbin loves to hit/throw things against the floor to make noise. One evening, he was sitting in his high chair hitting the end of a plastic baby spoon against the tray. Every once in a while, he’d accidentally hit his other hand with the spoon, and start crying. It was hilarious.

The girls love to carry Corbin around, and don’t hesitate to pull him across the floor if/when he’s getting into something he shouldn’t (like Christmas presents or dirty shoes). Corbin takes it like a champ, though sometimes he does get mad if you take away a toy he was really enjoying.Corbin still loves going outside, and our usual routine in the winter now is to walk down the driveway to get the mail (we have a long driveway), and then swing for 5-10 minutes on our swing set. If we ever get some snow (!), I’ll be able to take him sledding a bit too. He liked it before our snow melted!

And that’s Corbin at 9 months!

Corbin Travis: 8 Months

8 Dec

Mr. Bud (as he is often called these days) turned 8 months old on November 22,  Thanksgiving Day. He didn’t eat any Thanksgiving food, as he was taking a nap when we ate.

IMG_0427 (Large)IMG_1211 (Large)Size

Corbin is wearing all 12-month clothing now (and starting to dabble in 12-18 month size), and still in size 5 diapers. I compared his height to the girls at this age, and he’s on par with where they were, so not sure why the percentiles say he’s a shorty (maybe the percentiles are different for boys?).IMG_0565 (Large)Eating

Corbin is doing well with table food. He has tried quite a few more foods, including peanut butter, toast, shrimp, saltine crackers, goldfish, pears, mandarin oranges, taco meat, and random bites of things we’re having that are soft enough for him to eat. (With the girls, I really tried to stick to the “only one new food per day” policy to make it easy to determine allergies, but we haven’t been really doing that with him…)

Corbin has been doing really well feeding himself little pieces of cheese, puffs, fig bar, and crackers, and would rather feed himself than have us spoon-feed him. When he’s done eating, he waves his hands in front of his face while you’re trying to give him a bite, sending the food everywhere. Or if he’s done with what’s on his tray, he hits the tray and the food goes flying.IMG_0321 (Large)I’m still nursing, though taking a much more lax approach to it these days. I only pump once a day at work, meaning Corbin frequently drinks formula on the days I work, at bedtime if Travis puts him down, and when we check him into the church nursery. I never pump at home anymore either. I’m just over it.

Another thing about nursing that I don’t think I’ve mentioned on the blog is that since he was about 5 months old, Corbin has refused to nurse anywhere noisy. Even at home, he has to be in his room, with the door closed, fan on. If either girl comes in and interrupts, it’s over. Then he just keeps pulling off to look around. Same with in public — even if he’s under a cover, he’ll nurse just long enough for my milk to let down, then he pulls off to look around. So I just don’t nurse him in public, ever. And now that he can eat food, it’s not really necessary anyway. But sometimes it would be nice!IMG_1210 (Large)Sleeping

Corbin got his two top middle teeth this month. He is kind of a bear when he’s teething. Several nights, he’s been tired and ready to go to bed, but refuses to go to sleep, even after we’ve given him meds. There have been a few nights that we’ve resorted to taking him on a drive to get him to sleep, and then letting him sleep in his carseat (in his room) as long as he will. Then he’ll nurse and go to sleep in his crib.

There was a period of time this month, too, where he was routinely waking up around 10:30 after going to bed around 5:30. But things are already a blur so I can’t remember much else about that.

In general, Corbin goes to sleep around 5:30, wakes up once around 3 AM, and then is up for the day around 5 AM. He’s also extended his awake time to 2 to 2.5 hours between naps (most of the time).IMG_0346 (Large)Development

Corbin has started reaching for people to hold him–usually it’s me, but he gets excited to see Daddy, Nana, and his Nanny too.

He’s still steamrolling and pivoting to get to what he wants–no crawling yet. I’ve tried showing him how to get up on his knees, but he doesn’t seem to want to put any weight on his arms. He puts a little weight on them when he’s on his belly, but not like he would if he were crawling. He also doesn’t seem to like to put weight on his legs–I’ve been trying to get him to stand up at a small activity table we have, and he’s now to the point where he’ll stand for 10-15 seconds, then he bends his legs.

But he’s doing really well sitting up on his own now without falling over.IMG_0349 (Large)Corbin is a smiley little boy.IMG_0567 (Large)IMG_0335 (Large)He loves to shriek and talk, but it is really hard to get him to laugh. He only laughs if he finds something absolutely hilarious. Emma is usually the one to get him to laugh, and usually it’s when she’s doing something that I wouldn’t think he’d even like, like hold him still in his outdoor infant swing up in the air facing down toward the ground. He thought that was hilarious. She also put these cone-shaped Christmas trees on her hands and Corbin laughed for almost 10 minutes.

Emma and Annabelle love Corbin so much, and frequently play with him, and ask to hold him.IMG_0618 (Large)IMG_0325 (Large)IMG_1218 (Large)Corbin’s favorite thing to do these days is be outside. He can be crabby and whiny, even while we get his snowsuit on, but the minute he’s outside, he doesn’t make a peep. Since he loves it so much, my goal is to get outside with him every day for at least 10 minutes. (Doesn’t sound like much, but it will be a challenge when it’s -20 outside!) He also still loves swinging, but doesn’t really like jumping in his jumperoo anymore. When he’s inside, he’s happiest lying on the floor, rolling around, chewing on toys.IMG_0433 (Large)

IMG_0328 (Large)And that’s Corbin at 8 months!